28 Day Self Mastery Challenge

Are you living your best life? Are the relationships in your life happy and connected? If not, are you ready to accept the challenge to start becoming the self-empowered super star you came here to be and live your life with more purpose and soul?

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I would love to invite you to join me for the 28-day self-mastery challenge.

There is nothing worse than being stuck and not knowing how to make changes or what needs to change. Even if you do know, it can then become a whole new kind of stuck because you may struggle to find the commitment and stamina that’s required to keep you on path to making the changes.

What do they say? It takes 28 days to form a new habit!

The 28 Day Self-Empowerment challenge is all about giving you the information and support to help you on your journey to self-discovery and to making changes in your life to get you unstuck.

The Self-discovery element of the training will help you identify what is holding you back and will help you address what changes are required. The strategies you learn can then help you put your learning into action.

This challenge can easily fit into your daily life and if you show up the results will be rewarding.

Within 24hrs of your registration you will be given access to the Online Become More Internally Guided and Self-Empowered Film which is 2hrs in length and is great introduction to understanding yourself on the spiritual level.

You will also receive a pdf version of the Lessons of Love and Life Book. This will help you start to identify what is holding you back.

Then for the 28 days of the Self-Empowerment challenge you will have access to a private online face book group where you will get a daily video training and challenge to do. The challenges are to inspire you to show up and put your changes into action and you will be well rewarded. Everyone who shows up in a challenge will receive an extra ticket into the major prize.

This is what we cover…

  1. Week one is learning about what holds us back
  2. Week two is teaching you strategies for change
  3. Week three is helping you to make a conscious connection to your spirit so you can learn to follow your intuition.
  4. Week four is bringing it all together and putting these teachings into action.

The major prize is 12 x 1-hour phone/video mentoring sessions with me.

COST $119.00 The next 28-day Challenge is starting on 1st August 2019 register now to start with the online workshop and book.

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